A time to reflect

The last few months of the year is a time to reflect on farming , food production, cost of food & world hunger.

In the fall we tend to reflect back on the year of farming and the struggles that farmers and their families are facing to produce the high-quality food they produce in abundance.

The lack of appreciation from consumers, governments, public service workers, and many other sectors rely every day on the high quality of products being brought to the tables around the world.

At this time of the year that many farmers make up the balance of profit & loss, the challenges that they faced with draughts, floods, storms, hail, increased cost, higher taxes in all their inputs (Carbon taxes), unreliable part supplies, and crop inputs it truly has been an extremely challenging year for farmers and their families continuing supplying food for the whole world.

Now we see world leaders meeting to discuss how to save the world, maybe they can meet how they can support the farmers in their struggles to provide high-quality affordable food for the population with reliable supplies. For many in the farm & ranch industry, it seems that there is a disconnect from government and consumers where food comes from, “food comes from the store” the question is how did it get there and who produced it for the store. 

Let’s make sure that people understand that food production begins at the farm and the cost of production is directly related to inputs, taxes, regulations, and the commitment from farm families to shoulder the challenges they face every year to produce high-quality food. 

Around the world, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population, but as many as 811 million people still go hungry. 
After steadily declining for a decade, world hunger is on the rise, affecting 9.9 percent of people globally.

Let us remember the hard work the farm & farm families contribute to keeping food affordable despite the lack of Government commitment to stabilize operating and input costs

About ben

Immigrated to Canada in 1980 and dairy farmed for 9 years, obtained real estate license in Alberta in 1989 and have been selling Farm Real Estate for 32 years. Specializing in Farm/land investment, farm relocation and farm families immigrating to Canada, organizing business and farm immigration seminars, sales of quota (milk, poultry), water rights, irrigated land, crop farms, farm corporations (shares) ranches, livestock (Cattle, hogs) and commercial farm investment.
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